Monday, May 16, 2011

Google Cars

This article discusses Google's efforts to make a car that drives itself. There's a video that shows a car driving around, but the people inside aren't doing anything. I think it's crazy that technology has advanced to the point where someday we might not even have to drive. It sounds kind of dangerous to me, but I'm sure if the cars were on the market in the future they would be very safe. Sebastian Thrun is the engineer in charge of this project, and he found his inspiration through a childhood loss. His friend was killed by a car so he has worked to make driving safer. Maybe some day the driving world will be completely different thanks to Google.

Monday, May 9, 2011

What I Believe About Learning

People have a natural tendency to distract themselves from things they need to do so I think teachers should find a way to eliminate all distractions in the classroom. Teachers should make students put their cell phones and ipods somewhere else before class starts so they are not tempted by them. I think technology can play a great role in learning because it's a quick and easy way to find what you need. When I do reading for English class, if I don't know what a word means I just pick up my ipod touch and use my dictionary app. Within seconds I have a whole new understanding of what I'm reading as opposed to taking the time to look it up in a dictionary. I also think teachers should not give homework every night. A common argument for this is that college professors give work every night, but the difference is that in college you don't have that class every day. With sports, clubs, work, and many other responsibilities after school, students have to stay up very late at night to complete their homework. This is probably the main reason why kids are always so tired and can't even pay attention or stay awake in class. In one of my classes we have homework maybe once a month, yet I've learned so much. Learning is definitely evolving and will be very different here at BHS for the years to come.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama's Death

When looking back to September 11, 2001 I remember a lot of choas and worry among the teachers. We weren't allowed to go outside for gym that day and I did not understand why. They told us there were machines working on the field, but I didn't see any when I looked outside. When I got home that day my mom was hovered over the TV watching the news, and she was on the phone with my uncle who lives in New York. I never understood why the attack happened, and to be honest, I still do not fully know the history between our country and the Middle East. The death of Osama has definitely already brought American pride, and I'm sure many people feel a sense of relief. Hopefully after this huge step we can move forward and bring our troops home soon.